Archivism is the future

Do you remember about that article or video that is gone from internet, and you can’t find it even if you try? Exactly. Unfortunately niche things usually are not archived on, but there is a way to fix it, be the change you want to see and start to archive stuff!

It is actually easy and I going to show you how I do.


for videos, I use yt-dlp, it works with any website that has a video

# general
yt-dlp "VIDEO_URL"

# for playlist
yt-dlp -f bestaudio+bestvideo -o '%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' "PLAYLIST_URL"

# only the audio (good for music)
yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3 --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata "VIDEO_URL"

there are others cool commands for yt-dlp, I recommend reading the documentation here


if you’re going to download single images you can use wget IMAGE_URL try downloading this image: drawing

but if you want to download a lot of images from websites like twitter, Pixiv, or Danbooru you can use gallery-dl

# general (works with pictures and videos)

# if you need to log in (example: twitter)
gallery-dl --username yourusername --password yourpassword

# if you want to download images/videos from websites in a txt file
gallery-dl --batch-file links.txt

you can find more commands in the documentation


There are simple ways to download a page, for single pages i recommend Singlefile, it’s an extension for your browser where you can download a faithful copy of the entire page in a single HTML File.

Now if you want the real deal, not only a page but the entire website, hosting your own wayback machine, you can use archivebox, with this little boy you can save snapshots from your websites with a lot of formats

🌐 HTML/Any websites ➡️ original HTML+CSS+JS, singlefile HTML, screenshot PNG, PDF, WARC, title, article text, favicon, headers
🎥 Social Media/News ➡️ post content TXT, comments, title, author, images
🎬 YouTube/SoundCloud/etc. ➡️ MP3/MP4s, subtitles, metadata, thumbnail
💾 GitHub/GitLab/etc. links ➡️ clone of GIT source code, README, images

And there is more, after downloading the website you can upload the snapshot automatically to Wayback Machine!

You can install it in your machine or use docker if you want, make sure to read the documentation because there is a lot of cool stuff